
Web scenario tests using Selenium

Firefox Selenium IDE extention

Install Selenium IDE

You need to install Firefox Selenium IDE extension. You can get it HERE

When you got this file, you have to install it in Firefox:

Click on Tools -> Add-ons


Go to Add-ons page

On Add-ons page, select Install Add-on from file...*


Install Add-on from file...

Select selenium-ide-2.8.0.xpi file on your system


selenium-ide-2.8.0.xpi file

Click on Install Now to install extensions


Click on Install Now


You have to change the default configuration of your Firefox Selenium IDE extention.

To open Selenium IDE window, click on Tools -> Selenium IDE


Open Selenium IDE window

In Selenium IDE window, open settings by clicking on Options > Options


Menu Options

Then go on Locator Builders tab


Locators list


You have to put the link item to the bottom of the list

How to create a new scenario

This is an example how to create a new web scenario.

This scenario runs on

  1. sdg
  2. sdg
  1. First, you have to go to the web page where the web scenario starts. In this case, it’s http://savoirfairelinux.
  2. Open Selenium IDE window; Click on Tools -> Selenium IDE

Open Selenium IDE window

  1. When the Selenium IDE window is open, please ensure that record button is pushed

Record button

  1. Now you can start your scenario. The first thing to do is to check if the first page is the good one. So, select any text in this page, right-click on it and select WaitForText ....

WaitForText .........

  1. In Selenium IDE window, you can check the result of your action. A new line was created with WaitForText ....

New line WaitForText ....

  1. Now you can continue your scenario. You can now click on Contact Us and wait th page is completely loaded

Contact Us page

  1. As on the first page, select any text in this page, right-click on it and select WaitForText ....

WaitForText .........

  1. Check the output on Selenium IDE window

New lines in Selenium IDE window

Now, you can continue your scenario following this example.


Please read Recommendations

Save scenario

When you have finished your scenario, you can save it. This is highly recommended because, this is the only way to edit the scenario in the future ...

To save the sceario, click on File > Save test Case


Save scenario

Export scenario to Python file

In order to use the scenario with the check_selenium plugin, you need to export the scenario to a Python file.

Click on File > Export Test Case As... > Python 2 /unitest / WebDriver


Export scenario


Use only LOWER CASE letters (a-z) when you export a scenario !!!!!


This file will be used by the check_selenium plugin



Be carefull about site language:

  • When you record the web scenario, you use YOUR Firefox profile with YOUR preferences
  • When the web scenerio is played, selenium use a “vanilla” Firefox profile.

So, default site language could be FR/ES/DE with YOUR Firefox but it could EN with “vanilla” Firefox profile.


Also, when you want to wait a text, choose preferally:

  • Short text
  • One line text
  • Not full uppercase text

How to use the plugin


This plugin need:

  • selenium==2.44.0
  • shinkenplugins==0.1.6
  • xvfbwrapper==0.2.4

You can install it, with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use the Plugin

Show help

$ ./check_selenium -h

Launch scenario

$ ./check_selenium -S scenarios -s savoirfairelinuxcom
OK: Scenario execution time: 4.57 seconds

If you get an error/bug in your scenario with the plugin, you can launch it in debug mode. In debug mode, Firefox will be launched on your display. You will be able to see what Firefox does.

$ ./check_selenium -S scenarios -s savoirfairelinuxcom -d
OK: Scenario execution time: 4.57 seconds

You can also set the size of your Firefox use -W and -H options. This is usefull for scenario on mobile web site.

$ ./check_selenium -S scenarios -s savoirfairelinuxcom -W 400 -H 800
OK: Scenario execution time: 4.57 seconds

Here, the example of command which can be used in your shinken configuration. Don’t forget to add -f option to get perfdata and get graph.

$ $USER1$/check_selenium -S $SCENARIOS_FOLDER$ -s $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -f
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